Before Your Visit

What to Expect at Your Appointment and Tips to Improve Your Experience

What to Bring to Your Appointment

  • Up-to-date insurance cards

  • Current driver’s license or passport

  • List of Current Medications

  • Copay/Deductible

  • Insurance authorization or referral if your insurance if required

  • Most recent glasses or contact lens prescription

Tips to Streamline Your Check-in

  • You can minimize paperwork at your appointment by adding your information and history to our patient portal

  • Arrive 15 minutes early if you are a new patient

About Your Visit

We appreciate the trust you place in us in caring for your vision. The length of your appointment can vary from 30-90 minutes based on the severity and complexity of your eye condition. While we strive to minimize your wait times, we are a referral practice and often anticipate unpredictable emergencies. We will work diligently to reduce any potential delays in your care.

The Eye Exam

Upon your arrival, our front staff will enter and update your registration and insurance information. To expedite this process, you may fill out your registration forms online prior to your visit.

Next, you will be seen by one of our technicians who will take your medical history and take your “eye vital signs.” If your eyes need to be dilated, this may take up to 15-30 minutes. Please note that dilation can result in vision changes that may last for 4-6+ hours. After, the physician will then examine your eyes and determine if additional testing is required. If you need specialized treatment or surgery, this will likely need to be rescheduled for another time.

Ready to make an appointment? Click below to schedule.